Vr Dating Site

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VRChat offers an endless collection of social VR experiences by giving the power of creation to its community. Whether you're looking for new VR experiences or have an idea of your own, VRChat is the place to be. VR not required. Dating in VR is not what you t. You wanted more so here is Part 2 of dating in VR. This time we go on a date with Maya and let's just say it did not end well. Dating in VR is not what you t. Summer Lesson is a virtual reality game in which you flirt with a young woman.it's not lewd, lascivious, or sexual.but it is intimate. How does a VR game.

Go to Highly customizable

Highly customizable

Change your friend’s sex, appearance, hairstyle, accessories, and more. New styles and appearances are added all the time.

Go to No VR? No problem.

No VR? No problem.

Besti works with what you have. While the best experience is with a high-end VR headset, Besti can be played with a mouse and keyboard, or a mobile phone running Riftcat to emulate VR.

Go to No copyright Content

No copyright Content

Besti doesn’t ship with any content that we don’t have a license or agreement about. While we’re definitely aiming to be appealing to cartoon horse fans, we’re not using any owned by somebody else.

Go to help others: help yourself

help others: help yourself

Edit the texture file for your friend directly, arrange your home furniture how you want, and in upcoming versions, create scenes, character meshes, and more.

Besti 9 Feature Trailer


Besti is an advanced system designed to simulate a sexual relationship. It is far more than porn.

Besti is designed to be an advanced relationship simulator that is not bound to 'normal' sexual interest expectations. Written and designed by Skunkfrakker--a member of the furry community for over 20 years--Besti is designed to appeal to people who are often ignored by the higher-end of the adult industry.
What's the end goal? There is a significant gap between cartoon pornography and actually having a sexual relationship with a cartoon character. Besti aims to fix that. New updates working towards that goal are released every week that add new features, new characters, and new technologies as they are created or incorporated.
Try it and see how we're doing! It's free to get started and if you decide to support Skunkfrakker, you get extra features, exclusive content, and more.

Want to help Skunkfrakker out financially so he doesn't have to get a job doing something else? He'd super appreciate it!

Patch notes 9.96

Update 3/16/2021 ~~ Besti 9.96 New Features The friend creator has been updated with a friend that I’ve been bombarded with via email. I made all the accessories you might need to make something like her. -A new mane (“Hornball”) -A new tail (“Hornball”) -A tennis ball accessory to go on a unicorn Read more about Patch notes 9.96[…]

Patch notes 9.95


Update 3/1/2021~~ Besti 9.95 Core Updates Backported the Besti X wet sound generator data to improve the wet sounds in Besti 9. Fixed lots of little bugs that were submitted via email! Thanks for sending these in!

Patch notes 9.94


Update 12/3/2020 ~~ Besti 9.94 New Features Kirin friend classes are now available. Kirins are chimera creatures that are a mixture of a variety of creatures like horses, deer, dragons, etc. Accessories have been added to create Kirin characters, specifically A variety of body styles A new tail that partially colors itself with Read more about Patch notes 9.94[…]

Patch notes 9.93

Update 10/31/2020 ~~ Besti 9.93 New Features A preview animation from an upcoming program where you help stallions breed with other characters is available in the Animation Station scene. I promise they’re OK. Removed a minor censorship that Patreon made me put in. Reduced memory use during startup/removed a large CPU spike after Read more about Patch notes 9.93[…]

Vr Dating Sim

Patch notes 9.92

Update 10/05/2020 ~~ Besti 9.92 New Features A collection of new character customization items have been added. Specifically: A new hair style: Redeemed. A long-styled mane redhead mane for horses that like to go through a lengthy redemption arc. Bacon colored I could say. A semi-new hair style: Final Verse’s mane looks really Read more about Patch notes 9.92[…]

Patch notes 9.91

Update 9/21/2020 ~~ Besti 9.91 Bug Fixes Fixed an issue that could cause a crash when returning to the main menu from an untracked VR scene. New Features A new behavior has been added for male and female friends to the Pony On Top position. This is an oral sequence you can do Read more about Patch notes 9.91[…]

Patch notes 9.90

Update 8/10/2020 ~~ Besti 9.90 New Features Added three additional spawn-in animations to make that more interesting. Added a new behavior to the kneeling position called Masturbate. This is for female friends. The friend masturbates for you. Added a new behavior to the kneeling position called Lay Cutely. This is for female friends. Read more about Patch notes 9.90[…]

Patch notes 9.89

Update 7/31/2020 ~~ Besti 9.89 IWTCIRD Core Updates Backported the improved submesh handler from Besti X. This has a significant improvement to GPU performance. New Features The lighting in Good Morning Cutie and Good Night Cutie has been improved. New voice pack “Athletic” designed to fulfill one’s fantasies about getting with a pegasus Read more about Patch notes 9.89[…]

Patch notes 9.88

Update 7/06/2020 ~~ Besti 9.88 New Features A new voice pack has been added called “Subservient Boyfriend.” This is a new male voice pack both written and performed (quite expertly) by Dalken. It’s a Besti X configured pack, but I grabbed a selection from it to lip-sync and make a Besti 9 pack Read more about Patch notes 9.88[…]

Patch notes 9.86

Update 6/5/2020 ~~ Besti 9.86 Bug Fixes Fixed the male urine effect that was added in 9.85. It is no longer filled with Orbeez. Resolved an issue that was wasting a tiny bit of RAM at startup. New Features The visual indicator for arousal on friends is completely different for VR. The system Read more about Patch notes 9.86[…]

PreviousNext© Courtesy of Utherverse Two people on a date as their avatars within the Utherverse virtual world.

Before I was creating avatar real world representations, I was a key innovator for the very early internet in the 90s. Around that time, as a hobby I picked up one of the first three massively multiplayer online (MMO) games, Asheron's Call—it was a hugely entertaining Dungeons and Dragons type game. I would usually adventure solo, but every now and again I would get into a group and we would go on some kind of quest.

What floored me was that the quest would be going along just fine with five or six guys and then a woman would want to join our quest, and everything would stop—people would start talking and flirting. I realized this game was great for going out to adventure but it was even better for just going to be social. That was sort of the genesis for the idea of creating my own virtual reality world.

I started working on Utherverse, a 3D virtual reality social network, around 2003, but it launched in 2005. I felt that the way most social media platforms were shaping up were giving a distorted view of people's lives. It seemed to me that they were designed so that everybody would become jealous. You may have hundreds or thousands of friends on Facebook, but somebody always seems to be doing better than you are. You're always hearing about other people getting a promotion or going on vacation.

What I wanted to do was create a platform that was analogous to what humans are like originally. Allowing people to form real social circles and bonds with people they interact with, all around the world.

But we saw people creating romantic connections from the day we opened the (digital) doors of the platform. We did spend time making the space conducive to that, including creating a social profile for people to share information about, and images of, their 'real' selves. But I was surprised how firmly and quickly the community created its own culture.

I don't recall the exact timing that we became aware that we had created a dating network. But very early on the community started to develop a wedding industry within the platform because the romantic encounters had become so prevalent. Eventually we established something kind of official, where you can get a marriage license and an 'official' Justice of the Peace (JOP) within the platform. Obviously you don't have to do that, you can get married in whatever way you like in our virtual universe. There's a whole industry on the platform around weddings and relationships; you can have someone design your gown for a gala or date, or you can hire DJs and rent out banquet halls. It's all user driven, although we do have our own 'official' JOP.

Obviously there is no legal force in effect from the marriages other than on our platform, but many people have taken it to the next step and do get married in the real world. It was also exciting in the early days, because people were able to have a same-sex marriage within our virtual world before it was legal in the U.S. and in many other places—we weren't discriminatory.

I didn't anticipate that marriage and romance would be quite such a powerful component; we have people who own clubs or offer matchmaking services, the whole gamut. In general, we try to facilitate a warm, inviting and non-threatening community, so we host events and have volunteer guides who introduce avatars to one another.

It's not a dating service in the same sense as something like OKCupid or Tinder. If you're searching for a partner you can search profiles like on those apps, but here you generally find someone naturally in an event and you might see them in a general chat. When people have avatars there's less fear about any perceived physical imperfections and there's less pressure because it's not a private conversation—you're talking to the room.

© Courtesy of Utherverse People can take their avatars to the 'beach' within Utherverse. They are able to chat to other avatars present at the location. Courtesy of Utherverse

You can also see how each person interacts with other people, or their friends on the platform. If you have a date, you could go to a concert or a nightclub on the platform where you're with a group with both of your friends and it makes it more natural and less pressured. It's a different way of operating a dating service, and I believe it's the future of dating.

Of course, there are advantages and disadvantages. You may find that you're more compatible with someone on the platform who is halfway around the world. We have around 12million registered users, and I have so many anecdotes of people who have got together through the platform.

People often write to me and tell me that they have gotten married and thought I should know. There are maybe five marriages or so a year I personally hear about that are a result from people meeting through our platform.

We had a woman and a man who ended up being volunteers within the platform. He was in the U.K. and she was in the U.S. They got married virtually and were together for eight months or so, then he finally flew across the pond and they immediately hit it off in real life. I think they were stressing about whether there would be chemistry in person, but there was and they got married in real life. That type of story is always very heartwarming. Every time that happens I feel great. I'll sometimes then see them post pictures of their kids on Facebook.

© Courtesy of Utherverse An avatar couple within Utherverse. Each avatar is a controlled by a real person. Courtesy of Utherverse

I'm a little less certain about the number of real life relationships, but I would estimate hundreds a year between people who are local and get together physically. And there are likely thousands of relationships where people are together but separated geographically. It's a wonderful way to meet people, though you do have the problem of how many people are using this virtual universe in your local area.

It's interesting to relate to people on all kinds of levels but I personally feel it's a handicap if the platform you're using is prohibiting sexual activity. I feel like sex is a huge part of being human.

Vr Dating App

So, we have the Red Light Center within our virtual universe. It was introduced in 2006 and includes the whole gamut of adult activity. We have not shied away from making it clear that this a big part of our virtual reality universe. People might get married on the platform and then want to rent a fancy room in a hotel. We also have gentleman's clubs and strip clubs for all orientations. We have a replica of Amsterdam's red-light district with sex workers and there are many options for different sexual experiences. I consider the center to be an alternative method for people to be able to safely engage in sexual behaviour. You can act out fantasies without being in danger of getting physically hurt. We try to take things to the natural conclusion in the same way that a real life encounter or relationship would happen. But it's safe and low risk.

I don't think I would be able to work on Utherverse if I hadn't been involved in exploring all the different avenues available on the platform. I've met some spectacular people and had wonderful encounters with people that have become sexual. But there are so many different levels to romance on the platform; you can send a private note or arrange a date. It's exciting, even though you know it's on a computer. Obviously it's not real but the mind is very powerful.

I remember back in 2006, I was involved with a woman and as she turned to walk away, I found myself checking her out. It was like this light went off—I didn't feel at that moment like this was a computer simulation, instead, I was reacting like this was real life!

However I haven't taken any virtual relationships into real life because the issue for me is that as the CEO I am in a position of power. I have had to make it clear to anyone I have been involved with on the platform that it isn't a normal peer-to-peer relationship.

© Courtesy of Brian Shuster Brian Schuster is the CEO of Utherverse. He developed the platform and has worked on it since it launched in 2005. Courtesy of Brian Shuster

I do recall being very concerned about catfishing at the outset. Our policy is that you can represent yourself as you like as long as you are of legal age of majority. If you're transgender and you want to go in as the gender you identify with, that's fine. We wanted to leave that to the individual.

It is possible to engage the software as a basic member and be identified as such, but you don't get certain permissions without verifying yourself. Once you upgrade you've gone through a process to verify you're the age of majority and we verify you are a real person to the extent we are able. Obviously on the internet nothing is 100 percent perfect.

We have had reports from members of the community that people are suspect or not believed to be an adult. If the community feels someone is behaving in a way that doesn't cut it, they do report it to us.

There have been incidents, such as I received an appeal from someone who had been outed as male when they were presenting as female. I had to explain to that person that it wasn't that they were identifying as a different sex, but that they were doing so for nefarious reasons and this came out because people had become suspicious of their predatory behaviour. Of course that can happen, but people in the community are generally good about discovering and reporting that kind of behaviour. And we have had issues with phishing and scams but we'll send messages to the community when it happens.

What I hope for the platform in the future is that we can re-order the way that people interact with other people online. If you understand somebody they generally stop being a stereotype and it's harder to hate them.

I have always hoped that Utherverse could blossom into a global phenomenon where it's not just dating, or sex, or attending a concert or class, but really forming social groups that can be human with one another in an elevated way, including the whole spectrum of humanity.

That's still my dream.

Brian Shuster is the CEO of Ideaflood, Inc., an intellectual property development and holding company, and Utherverse Digital, Inc. Utherverse has more than 12 million registered users and worldwide franchise operations. You can follow Brian on Twitter @Brian_Shuster

Vr Dating Video

All views expressed in this article are the author's own.

Free Vr Dating Games

As told to Jenny Haward.

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